A Little bit

About Me

Entrepreneur . Photographer . Writer


I am an entrepreneur, a passionate photographer and a writer. I grew up in Dhaka, Bangladesh in the 60s and 70s, where, fortunately for me, I was raised by supportive men and strong, independent women who were bold and unafraid to break the norm. This gave me the inner strength to take on every challenge, to take the road less travelled and to create my own path.

I started writing when I was 12 years old, got my first camera at 13, got my first job at 14 as an assistant editor of the children page of an English daily, and by 18 I was fully involved in entrepreneurial and development work, helping artisans of rural Bangladesh make a living from their arts and crafts.

I manage and run a very creative and successful business, “Reflections – Decorative Art Glass” creating beautiful pieces of stained and etched glass that illuminate homes, commercial and religious places. It was innovative enough to fetch me the prestigious Daily Star- DHL Award in 2009 for being an outstanding entrepreneur.

Photography had been my passion and although I had pressed the pause button to start my family with the most incredible life partner and raise three amazing children, it came back with full force and now I finally have time to pursue my passions full-time and direct my energy towards such creative pursuits. Whether it is the Northern Lights in Alaska, the Milky Way in Utah, the Amazon Rainforests or the backwaters of Kerala, I am fascinated with capturing them and to write about them.

I always feel that unless I share my experiences, it remains incomplete. Through my first coffee table book “Bucket List: The Kerala Journal” and two other books on my photographs, along with my participation in group exhibitions and my solo exhibition “Wanderlust-Travels with Sabrina”, I have been able to share my photographs and writings to a larger audience.

I seriously believe that ‘Knowledge in Power’ and that one must continue to learn everyday. I have attended photography workshops with some exceptional photographers and with every interaction with my instructors and my fellow photographer friends I continue to learn and enrich myself.

My adventures have only just begun and this website is just to record some of them. Thanks for dropping by!

“My soul is from elsewhere, I’m sure of that, and I intend to end up there.” – Rumi






Don Smith

Sabrina’s a very talented and hard-working photographer and has a great sense for balance and harmony in her compositions. Quality light is an internal part of her images and is the reason she is driven to be out with her camera at times most people aren’t.

Don Smith
Sony Artisan and Singh-Ray Ambassador, Workshop Instructo

Carl Heilman

“I photographed with Sabrina in a several day workshop, and enjoyed her buoyant personality as much as I appreciated her capabilities as a photographer. Her creative compositions capture the vibrant colors, details, and energy of the scene, while evoking the feeling of being there,

Carl Heilman
Award winning outdoor photographer / carlheilman.com

John Slonina

Sabrina's energy, passion, and joy for photography are evident in her work. She loves her subjects and her creativity, along with her composition and use of light, exemplify her love of travel and photography. I have had the joy of photographing with Sabrina throughout the years and look forward to seeing more of her beautiful photos.

John Slonina
Owner, Slonina Nature Photography - a photo tour and photo workshop company / sphotography.com